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Friday, April 23, 2010

86 the Jalapenos

What a morning. It has been one of those nights that dragged into one of those days. The new infusion set on my daughter's insulin pump failed to deliver insulin properly, so she developed ketones at 3 am and again at 9 am. When ketones start being produced in the body, she needs a shot of insulin, water, no exercise, and a new infusion set with fresh insulin.

On the way out the door, I discovered that the washer had overflowed, pouring an inch of water onto the laundry room floor. A dozen towels, or 3 additional loads of laundry later, the floor was dry enough for me to drive to school.

So what does that have to do with my homemade salsa? I was a bit too sleep-deprived while making it to remember the jalapenos. At least I remembered the tomatoes.

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