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Monday, March 22, 2010

Lucky Me! I Got to Visit Mommytown

Visiting Mommytown was a breath of fresh spring air--literally--as both the sun and the daffodils popped out during our visit.  The cousins got to share bedtime stories together, a day at the zoo, and lots of giggles.  

During the trip we played the license plate game.  Wouldn't you know that my daughter found a Hawaii license plate on Capitol Hill?  We found Alaska there, too.

And, perhaps best  of all,  Elise's blood sugar was steady during the trip.  For those of you who don't know, traveling by car presents an extra challenge for T1 diabetics because the reduced exercise and increased adrenaline (from excitement) both raise blood sugar, but there is no way to measure by how much or how it will fluctuate throughout the day. An across-the-board basal rate increase of .05/hr. did the trick this time. What a relief!

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