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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Diabetes Monster Ambushed Us Today

She came in the form of  a 404 blood sugar and large ketones late this morning.

My thoughts when I received the call: Had we forgotten the insulin bolus for the breakfast carbs? No. Had we miscounted the breakfast carbs?. No, one breakfast taco is easy to count. Had we used this infusion set too long (more than 3 days)? No, it's only been 24 hours.. Was the infusion set pulling loose from her body, or was the tubing breaking? No, it was intact.. Was the insulin too old (over 14-28 days)? No, I bought a new vial yesterday. Had the insulin gotten too hot (over 86 degrees) or too cold (below 32 degrees)? No.  Was my daughter getting an infection (which elevates blood sugar)? No, she had no fever and no complaints.

Fortunately, my daughter and the school nurse fought this monster off until I could get there. We won the battle (for now) with a syringe and a new infusion set. So what happened to cause this huge blood sugar spike? Apparently, the cannula (the part of the tubing inside the body) got bent or clogged inside the body and insulin was not fully delivered for a couple of hours.

Until another day....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lucky Me! I Got to Visit Mommytown

Visiting Mommytown was a breath of fresh spring air--literally--as both the sun and the daffodils popped out during our visit.  The cousins got to share bedtime stories together, a day at the zoo, and lots of giggles.  

During the trip we played the license plate game.  Wouldn't you know that my daughter found a Hawaii license plate on Capitol Hill?  We found Alaska there, too.

And, perhaps best  of all,  Elise's blood sugar was steady during the trip.  For those of you who don't know, traveling by car presents an extra challenge for T1 diabetics because the reduced exercise and increased adrenaline (from excitement) both raise blood sugar, but there is no way to measure by how much or how it will fluctuate throughout the day. An across-the-board basal rate increase of .05/hr. did the trick this time. What a relief!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mini Project

I used some scrap fabric from the last project to make a checkbook cover. This pattern is from Heather Bailey's Weekend Sewing.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Placemats Complete!

We've really been enjoying these.  They are an Amy Butler pattern with Alexander Henry fabric.

I definitely plan to make more.